Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brief Hiatus

My desk at home looks a lot like the one in the pic. ---------->

I've been so off on my blogging game lately. I do apologize. It's the end of the semester, I'm graduating, an assistant teacher, and on the job hunt. I'll be back after graduation... hopefully before my 1st vacation of the Summer.

To my new readers and old readers thank you for your support! I'll be back soon... but, if something major happens I will certainly try my best to do an entry.

*While I'm gone check out the blogs I follow. They are sure to keep you entertained and informed

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today I'd like to coin a new term "Mandingoism". I created this term fairly recently after re-reading some material for middle eastern studies. This term is an extension of Edward Said's term Orientalism. Orientalism defined at its simplest is described as, "Western knowledge about the East is not generated from facts, but through imagined constructs that see all "Eastern" societies as fundamentally similar, all sharing crucial characteristics unlike those of "Western" societies, thus, this ‘a priori’ knowledge established the East as antithetical to the West. Such Eastern knowledge is constructed with literary texts and historical records that often are of limited understanding of the facts of life in the Middle East.[5]". Essentially most knowledge generated about the Middle East is based on preconceived notions and preoccupied with exaggerating the East's "otherness" and differences from the west.

Mandingoism is Orientalisms first cousin. Mandingoism shall be defined as American fascination with Africa and its differences from the Anglo-American world. It shall further be stated that most of the Anglo-American world's interaction,and ideas of Africa and Africans (particularly the men) are based on antiquated studies (eugenics,the likes of Dr. Blumenbach, and various anthropologists studies) and stereotypes that originated as early as the 17th century. Some of them are that Africans are immoral, overly sexual, uncivilized, poor, cannibals, and of course have a big...stick

Hi, I'm Satya and i'm an Mandingoist (one who unknowingly follows or studies Mandingoism). I don't mean it in the sense that I think all Africans live in huts, are going to eat me, or are going to hall me off to their village and have me circumcised. But in the sense that I am extremely fascinated with the "otherness" and do see African men as exotic. I guess you could say I find myself wondering if some of the sexual stereotypes are true. Why do I wonder, hell if I know... wait it could have something to do with all the B-S I was continuously told in secondary school and things I have seen in various movies.

I'm currently seeing an African guy and hot dam I'm so attracted to him. I find his accent quite appealing, i'm very attracted to his height, and I know it sounds crazy but something about him seems exotic and mysterious to me. Is he really exotic and mysterious or am I just creating this in my mind b\c of the crap I've learned and heard? The latter is probablly true. This whole thought process is uncool to me. I spend a great deal of time in academia trying to debunk Orientalism and here I am being a Mandingoist. What's up with that? I'm trying my best not to let my Mandingosit thoughts affect our interactions. They usually don't, but every now and then when we're out a Mandingoist thought or behavior enters my mind.

Have you ever thought of someone as exotic and been fascinated by their "otherness"? Have you ever received attention b\c you were deemed different\exotic\other? How'd it make you feel?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

CP Time

I have a few observations about folks and time and coordinating events. Like to hear it? Hear it goes

Who the hell invented CP time? I want to meet the person or group that invented said concept and tell them it's bull sh*t! The other night I was off to meet a friend for dinner and she was late. 30 mins late to be exact. I was to the train station when I heard her call out my name. Two problems 1) don't be hollerin ot my name in the middle of the street and 2) this buzzard was extra late. When I asked her why she was so tardy she replied "gurl, you know i'm on CP time. I am so sick to death of hearing this lame ass excuse from colored folks! I don't believe in CP time. If we say we're going to meet at 7 then plan to be there by 645 so in case the train or bus is off schedule you'll only be there 5 or 10 mins late. Stop this CP time foolishness ASAP.

Folks if you're having a child's birthday party have it at an appropriate time. If I get another invite to a 6 year old's birthday party that starts at 6pm i'm going to scream. Back in my day kids' birthday parties started between 12-3. Anything after 3:30 is for the adults. Also alcohol.... not appropriate at a kids party. You can't be downing Heineken's and Hennessy when you gotta drive your child\niece\nephew home. Not cool people.

Finally if you're planning an event for someone please plan the event in a timely manner. Don't send me an invite to a party\baby shower\bridal shower 3 days in advance. These invites should arrive at least two weeks in advance.

I guess this is just a rant. I'm in the process of planning a baby shower for a close friend and i'm very organized at party planning. However, a close friend of the mom-to-be and me is also having a baby shower but her shower planners are unorganized. The two expecting mothers want to be at each others' shower but the lack of organization on the part of the other shower is pissing me off. The shower i'm helping to plan is scheduled 5-6 weeks ahead of the due date (pending the availability of the venue). The other mom's shower is guessed to be around 2 weeks ahead of the due date. wtf? Why so close to the due date? Normally I wouldn't care but their lack of planning is interfering with my two shower dates. Obviously their showers can't be on the same date. And I don't see myself being nice about this once I make a deposit on the location. If you're not decisive or lack organizational skills get someone to help you when planning an event. Anywho this is my rant.

Anyone else ever been invited to poorly coordinated events? Does CP time bother you?
I guess i'm old school. If you're going to do something don't do it half-ass