Monday, January 12, 2009

Broke Friends

Friday night me and a few friends decided to go to happy hour and just see where the night takes us. One of the friends lets call her "Helen" asks can her homeboy "John" come. I give that "no heifer" smile and say it doesn't matter. I've hung out with John before; he's pretty fun but he ain't got no job (I realize the poor grammar but it must be said this way).

I said doesn't matter because I figured its a new year maybe his financial status has changed and everyone deserves a second wait third chance. Me and my posse are not high rollers but when we go out we like to have fun. We go to happy hour dinner and then bar\club hop and take cabs to do so. When in the club or bar everyone will buy a round of drinks except take a guess... John. This ninja ain't pay for a got dam thang! At happy hour everyone was buying rounds (mind you he never refused a drink and was ordering top shelf liquor) and he "disappeared when it was his turn. Ok I let it slide. Went to a lounge homie continues making drink requests but never so much as tips the bartender... Satya let it slide. Finally at dinner the check came and I was including the tip and dividing it by 5 and then Helen said we'll divide it by 4. PAUSE wtf. This negro ate an appetizer, entree, side dishes (a la carte), and friggin dessert and i'm supposed to contribute to paying for it NEGATIVE.

I grab Helen and we go to bathroom to discuss the issue. This heifer has the nerve to tell me "Btw i'm a little low on cash so can you pay half of my share of the tab". I laughed and went back to the table. Normally I only have about $20 in my wallet but Friday I had cash. I put my $65 in the checkbook and everyone else paid in cash as well. (Helen is still in the bathroom while this is occurring). All of us get our things and tell John he and Helen can meet us outside. Helen came out and was ready to go but the server informs her that the check is $130 short.

Is it wrong that I stood outside and ignored her phone calls. How the hell do you suggest going out knowing you're broke? Not only that, she selected the restaurant and decided to invite her notoriously broke friend. As adults I don't find such behavior acceptable. Especially because this scene was a repeat. I think Friday taught her conflict resolution and commandment 11, "Thou shall not go out when ye are broke. Nor shall ye invite bum ass friends when your pockets are like rabbit ears".Perhaps I was wrong. Let me know

1 comment:

  1. girl plz you weren't wrong!
    i don't have a prob with financially challenged ppl but if they expect me to pay for them all the time and they buying up EVERYTHING... they are sadly mistaken. once is enough. if we have that understanding where we cover each other when the other one is broke, that's fine. but if i'm constantly dishing out mad cash, then it's a wrap your broke ass!
