Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Questions and observations

I think this will be weekly

1. Why isn't there more discussion of the U.S.' sloppy attack in Syria?
I wonder what will be the outcome of Syria's complaint to the United Nations

2. When will Barbara Walters get rid of Elisabeth D. Hassleback?
Were there no other intelligent young Republicans instead of her? Yes, they do need a Republican on the show but I'm in favor of someone who is more intelligent (not a moron who tries to "divert attention from Palin's wardrobe but to her accessories". WTF. This is why politicians have speech writers so they don't look unintelligent like Hassleback) I propose Barbara Walters get rid of Hassleback and Sheri Shepherd. In their place I propose a Latina and a new Republican. Perhaps, a Latina Republican. We've seen an Asian co-host (Lisa Ling) but never a Latina... it's time Barbara. Shepherd doesn't bring any intelligence to the table so lets just can her.

3. I'm tired of seeing people's fat exposed. Please buy a belt, make sure it holds your pants up. Make sure your shirts cover your gut even when you lift up your arms, if it doesn't wear a tank or undershirt under your shirt (this applies to men and women). If when you sit down you keep tugging at your shirt because its clinging to your fat... buy a larger size. I work in a school and I am so tired of my students raising their hands and out pops their stomach or they bend over and I see gluteal cleft. But what is worse is that I see adults guilty of exposed flesh. Please stop!
4. I think I like Chocolate News.

5. Typos are one thing everybody misspells things from time to time but, improper use of homonyms by adults... wait people who's native language is English and are over 12 is disgusting. Here's a quick grammar lesson
Their- possession. Ex: That is their house
There- direction. Ex: They are going over there
They're- They are. Ex: They are going to the football game.
Two- the number 2. Ex: There are two hoops on a basketball court
Too- excessive. Ex: She wasn't too knowledgeable about foreign policy
To- describes movement or direction. Ex: I went to the bookstore

6. I know this is extremely late but, didn't Phylicia Rashad get robbed at the Emmy's? I watched A Raisin in the Sun again not too long ago and she played they hell out of Mama\Lena

7. This is the most important one, GO OUT AND VOTE on Tuesday November 4, 2008.
I'm not endorsing any candidate here. Just reminding folks every vote counts, get out there!

Drop your answers, questions, and comments

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ignorance on the loose

When I started this blog I said to myself I was not going to touch politics at all. This post is a small violation of that rule but I think I have to go there. Two "neo-Nazi's" were arrested today because they planned to try to assasinate the democratic candidate for president and kill a total of 102 black people (88 shot 14 decapitated these two numbers are significant to white supremacy). The shooting range for the 102 African Americans was a predominately African American High School in T.N.

This is extremely sad to see especially because it is 2008 however, I can honestly say I'm not surprised. I have to agree with Chris Rock when he said he's surprised when black people are shocked at racism. I've heard quite a few people comment on the arrest today and several people(minorities included) were shocked. Why? I gues i'm not surprised because i've spent my years travelling the states and have been to and partly lived in (parents divorced) the "red states". While in those red states i've heard some saucy\cheeky statements from non-minorities about minorities. Believe me when I say ignorance runs rampant in this country. We've seen a great deal of ignorance at a certain presidential candidate's rallies. I don't expect all non-minorities to be racist or sketchy of minorirties but I am usually not surprised when I hear an ignorant statement.

I talked with a colleague about racism and ignorance within American and she pointed out that my generation is the beginning of change. She reminded me that my generation is the first to grow up being taught that racism is wrong and that the change will take time. And if we continue to keep being politically active, as we are during this campaign season we can help to gradually rid America of its dirty not so little secret.

One of the many faces of ignorance, bigotry, hate, and intolerance>

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And you are...

I absolutely love music.

I enjoy academia


Love to walk around Manhattan aimlessly

Overly analytical sometimes

I'm 20 something

I recently discovered the blogosphere and I like it

I'm thoroughly entertained by adult's ignorance at times however I can find it repulsive and frightening @ the same time

I can't stand "rap"

I like kids... a lot but I can't stand or tolerate unrulely disrespectful children

I'm old school (music, video games and attitude towards kids lol)

I'm very picky about food and men


Love old video games N64 and Super Nintendo to be exact

I like to dine out

I enjoy yummy cocktails

I enjoy cooking and enteraining guests... sometimes

I love my family as crazy and as silly as we may be

My friends keep me grounded and are entertaning as hell

I need a new book case because I am currently storing books stacked near my bed

I refuse to spend more than $35 on a t-shirt

I love to travel

I think adults that don't have cell phones are suspicious

Enjoys conversation

I've been told I see things in a unique\interesting\weird way

Loves stand up comedy

I don't like that everytime I go to the Doc's office they try to offer me some type of new vaccine

I'm a little boughie\siddity but I still volunteer and do things in the hood

There will be more about me as time progresses but these are the basics for now

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chocolate News

I tuned in to the the new sketch comedy show Chocolate News last night and I honestly don't know if I should be entertained or embarrassed by the show. On one hand I thought it showed just how ridiculous we look at times. The PSA by fictitious rapper Phat Man was to promote the No Child Left Behind policy(NCLB). The video shows girls dressed in raunchy school uniforms with the almost standard booty shaking and liquid being poured on the girls. Here's a little bit of the lyrics "Yeah ho, yea bitch, let me see yo coochie twitch". Maybe David Alan Grier was trying to show rappers just how ridiculous and degrading rap videos have become. Perhaps his hope was that the rappers and directors that produce such trash would stop and evaluate the current state of rap videos.

The segment continues and shows Phat Man performing his PSA in front of a group of kids; kids I'm guessing between 8-10 years old. The lyrics weren't edited and the message wasn't tailored to children. I find it interesting when people say rappers should go into schools and talk to the kids. No, they shouldn't, real lyricist should. Many don't know how to tailor a message to kids nor do they realize the impact they have on kids. Or perhaps they don't care if their lyrics negatively affect kids. What would Lil Wayne say to motivate kids? Don't write nothing down and devote your minutes seconds hours to the almighty dollar. How about 50cent, is he going to talk about getting shot? I know, let's send Three 6 Mafia... SIKE!!!!!!! Why would we want morons talking to our kids in person? Isn't it already bad enough they talk to our kids on the radio and videos. I know some folks will say they are just making the music that sells and are actually intelligent but, if you you have to "play dumb" and create mentally retarded music that degrades women, glorifies the streets, and encourages hurting your own people(intellectually and physically via selling drugs and violence) that makes you a puppet and therefore a buffoon. We should be done shucking and jiving.

On the other hand I see the show as just another platform for us to make dam fools of ourselves much like Flavor of Love 1-3, Hell Date, I Love New York etc... Why do we keep joining shows that are designed to humiliate us? I'm going to see the glass as half full in this case. Grier is trying to get us to stop and evaluate ourselves. I guess this is why some people like or dislike the Boondocks. I see the Boondocks as trying to get black folks to stop and look at how messed up certain things in our community are and figure out how to fix them. Some just see it as junk.

Here's a clip of Chocolate News

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-- And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

By: Langston Hughes

This poem has been lingering in my head for quite a few days now and I felt the need to share it. I don't know why it's lingering but it is. Enjoy it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Analysis of C and C

I was walking home from classes today and recalled a conversation with a high school friend. The conversation was about the Cosby Show. We discussed the dynamic of family that was portrayed on the show. We all know the Cosby Show was the first all African American cast television program to show a functional, educated, upper middle class family. The show was important far beyond this explication. The show taught the viewer how to be a loving, devoted, caring: father, wife, friend, sibling, and child. We're going to explore the spousal relationship between Cliff and Claire and define the real Alpha Female.

Cliff and Claire (from this point on C&C) had an awe inspiring relationship. They were a functional, loving, educated couple that never forgot their humble beginnings. A good portion of episodes have a scene with C&C dancing, feeding each other (Claire's birthday with the cakes was cute), listening to a favorite song (my favorite was the one when Clair plays "Candy"by Big Maybelle),pillow-chat,and their unforgettable moments on the couch. The various episodes allowed viewers a glimpse at various aspects of a couple's daily life, granted it was a a very Utopian life, but a life to maybe try and emulate.

I've been reading a lot of blogs about Alpha Males and Alpha Females and who they like to date etc... and C&C's relationship comes to mind. Claire was without a doubt an Alpha Female. By Alpha Female I mean an articulate, strong-willed, career woman, post women's lib kinda lady. Because of her character and traits she definitely could have been the bitter, I don't need a man, cantankerous friend that thinks all men are intimidated by her strength of character. The woman I just mentioned often thinks she is an Alpha Female but she isn't. She's insecure, thus she needs to constantly remind whomever is around she's independent and doesn't need a man. Often times she's emotionally damaged. A real AF also knows that you don't have to be boisterous and constantly remind folks who you are, they already know because you exude it. "Courage does not always roar, sometimes it is a tiny voice whispering to us". She knew how to step aside and let Cliff be the "man"/ "man of the house"... at least is some instances. She knew how to include him in her decision making process.

Yes, yes this is a fictional relationship but I think this art mimics reality. If you are a real woman or an AF(confident and secure in yourself and your relationship) who is dating a real man you will not have a problem stepping aside and letting your man (at least on occasion) be the man. An alpha female I know broke it down very well, "If you are with a real man, in the sense that he is a provider spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially yes in that order your spirit will not mind you letting him assume the role of head the house/ be the man". Well said AF. I know some feminists and wanna be AFs will disagree with this and start their don't need a man, why do I have to step aside line of questioning; and I welcome your comments but it's "the way I see things".

I know this is an analysis of a fictional couple but the question, "Does art mimic life, or does life mimic art?" has been asked many times over. I think it is a case by case analysis. In the case of Dr. Heithcliff Huxtable and Claire Hanks Huxtable art is mimicking reality.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So my current music obsession is Raphael Saadiq. I've been a fan of Saddiq since the days of Toni Tony Tone. His current project "The Way I See It" stands out in a different way. This project cemented in my mind what a real musician is and does. A real musician is not afraid to take risks with their sounds and put out the music they want. When interviewed Saadiq said he's not trying to please anyone, he just goes in a room and creates. I respect that. I don't respect artist that try to conform to the bubble gum shitty music that radio stations seem to love to play. After seeing Saadiq perform, it is apparent that he really does just go in a room and create. I saw him at SOB's and he and his band jammed for a good 10-15minutes to his song "Be Here" from his first solo project InstantVintage. While playing the song He and his bandmates were all in a trance. You had to be there to see their facial expressions and body movements were dictated by their body's response to the sounds they were creating.

The album is what most people call a throwback to old school soul but I don't see it that way. It's Saadiqism. He's a real musician in the sense that he has listened to and studied music all his life and has made tracks that are an eclectic mix of all the sounds he has grown to love. This album has some of that 70's soul sound as well as gospel influence with a hint of Doo Wop. It reminds me of the Delfonics (Oh Girl reminds me of them), Temptations (Love that Girl), stylistics and I hear a hint of Al Greene and Marvin Gaye with Let's take a walk (this song kinda had that Pips feel to it also) in there. What makes the album even better is that Saadiq plays a good portion of the instruments himself. He does bring in other muscicians to play some instruments like his guitar player for some tracks. That man is bad!!! I must say he was rocking the most at the show.

At any rate, his cd is getting major burn in my stereo and Mp3 player

The first pic is of Mr. Raphael Saadiq the second is the guitar\bass player and third the background singers.


So I'm not really sure why I started this blog. It's not like I don't find enough things on the web to distract me. I guess I started it so I can share a few of my thoughts and things I learn. We'll see where this goes.