Monday, October 27, 2008

Ignorance on the loose

When I started this blog I said to myself I was not going to touch politics at all. This post is a small violation of that rule but I think I have to go there. Two "neo-Nazi's" were arrested today because they planned to try to assasinate the democratic candidate for president and kill a total of 102 black people (88 shot 14 decapitated these two numbers are significant to white supremacy). The shooting range for the 102 African Americans was a predominately African American High School in T.N.

This is extremely sad to see especially because it is 2008 however, I can honestly say I'm not surprised. I have to agree with Chris Rock when he said he's surprised when black people are shocked at racism. I've heard quite a few people comment on the arrest today and several people(minorities included) were shocked. Why? I gues i'm not surprised because i've spent my years travelling the states and have been to and partly lived in (parents divorced) the "red states". While in those red states i've heard some saucy\cheeky statements from non-minorities about minorities. Believe me when I say ignorance runs rampant in this country. We've seen a great deal of ignorance at a certain presidential candidate's rallies. I don't expect all non-minorities to be racist or sketchy of minorirties but I am usually not surprised when I hear an ignorant statement.

I talked with a colleague about racism and ignorance within American and she pointed out that my generation is the beginning of change. She reminded me that my generation is the first to grow up being taught that racism is wrong and that the change will take time. And if we continue to keep being politically active, as we are during this campaign season we can help to gradually rid America of its dirty not so little secret.

One of the many faces of ignorance, bigotry, hate, and intolerance>

1 comment:

  1. Don't even get me started on this mess...
    first of all this election in particular proves how racist and ignorant America still is regardless if it is 2008. the only difference is that there are no signs for whites/coloreds only. the same nonsense still goes on, but in secrecy or the people guilty of it do not think they in the wrong. and this also goes to show how white people particularly the men are so threatened and afraid of a black man robbing them of their power. they have been commander in chief for centuries but now that a new face has a great chance of taking the position, they feel powerless and afraid which is when their true racist colors come out.
    i'm not shocked at all more so disgusted at the hate and puzzled as to why people are shocked...
