I was walking home from classes today and recalled a conversation with a high school friend. The conversation was about the Cosby Show. We discussed the dynamic of family that was portrayed on the show. We all know the Cosby Show was the first all African American cast television program to show a functional, educated, upper middle class family. The show was important far beyond this explication. The show taught the viewer how to be a loving, devoted, caring: father, wife, friend, sibling, and child. We're going to explore the spousal relationship between Cliff and Claire and define the real Alpha Female.
Cliff and Claire (from this point on C&C) had an awe inspiring relationship. They were a functional, loving, educated couple that never forgot their humble beginnings. A good portion of episodes have a scene with C&C dancing, feeding each other (Claire's birthday with the cakes was cute), listening to a favorite song (my favorite was the one when Clair plays "Candy"by Big Maybelle),pillow-chat,and their unforgettable moments on the couch. The various episodes allowed viewers a glimpse at various aspects of a couple's daily life, granted it was a a very Utopian life, but a life to maybe try and emulate.
I've been reading a lot of blogs about Alpha Males and Alpha Females and who they like to date etc... and C&C's relationship comes to mind. Claire was without a doubt an Alpha Female. By Alpha Female I mean an articulate, strong-willed, career woman, post women's lib kinda lady. Because of her character and traits she definitely could have been the bitter, I don't need a man, cantankerous friend that thinks all men are intimidated by her strength of character. The woman I just mentioned often thinks she is an Alpha Female but she isn't. She's insecure, thus she needs to constantly remind whomever is around she's independent and doesn't need a man. Often times she's emotionally damaged. A real AF also knows that you don't have to be boisterous and constantly remind folks who you are, they already know because you exude it. "Courage does not always roar, sometimes it is a tiny voice whispering to us". She knew how to step aside and let Cliff be the "man"/ "man of the house"... at least is some instances. She knew how to include him in her decision making process.
Yes, yes this is a fictional relationship but I think this art mimics reality. If you are a real woman or an AF(confident and secure in yourself and your relationship) who is dating a real man you will not have a problem stepping aside and letting your man (at least on occasion) be the man. An alpha female I know broke it down very well, "If you are with a real man, in the sense that he is a provider spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially yes in that order your spirit will not mind you letting him assume the role of head the house/ be the man". Well said AF. I know some feminists and wanna be AFs will disagree with this and start their don't need a man, why do I have to step aside line of questioning; and I welcome your comments but it's "the way I see things".
I know this is an analysis of a fictional couple but the question, "Does art mimic life, or does life mimic art?" has been asked many times over. I think it is a case by case analysis. In the case of Dr. Heithcliff Huxtable and Claire Hanks Huxtable art is mimicking reality.
How Far is Too Far?: Simping Male Edition
14 years ago
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